Labels:encyclical | window OCR: THE FORK COTO MAIN CHESS TUTOR AND HAVE very UseFu1 AGO! Mower in which you ean MOYe one of Nou pieces Eo Sqare which aacks enexy[ pieces siultanequsly In the Ehe right, Knight has initiated deadly Fork the on c2 also Putting the King The Kig has Eo Ove OUF so black's Knight able E Eake white Queen r DF F GH The Pin is another interesting rahou xhich allous you Eo aEEack 2 or MOre pieces in a line 6 It is un-Movable lSed to The 50Me your Ehe 1eFE shous pieces an excellent example. The white Rook MOVeS FYOM EoF1 So tthe Bishop on F5 The Bishop hovever, is unrable o ove this leave the King in therk The Bishop is said FO "Pinned' the King Since the Bishop 1 unable 0 Nove. white capEure iF OFF TUTOE HATE useFu pieres Kaight al5o Bing MOVe BighE anobher l1os iine diagra Hish aphre